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The Land of the Thunder Dragon


Tashichho Dzong


Bhutan is not your ordinary destination, indeed it is extraordinary.

The Land of the Thunder Dragon or Druk-Yhul is one of the last places on earth that makes one believe time stands still. Mysterious ancient old traditions prevail and somehow linger long after one’s visit.

Bhutan has been visited by a great many saints, mystics, scholars and pilgrims over the centuries, who not only came for their personal reasons. They blessed the land and its people with an invaluable spirit and a cultural legacy that has shaped every facet of Bhutanese lives.

Buddhism permeates every nook and cranny of its existence. Paro Taktsang, the famous Tiger’s Nest is one such legacy – a Buddhist sacred site perched high up a mountain cliff. It isn’t the only one tucked away in the mountain side.

Century-old traditions amidst scenery of surpassing beauty, a country of dramatic landscapes, wondrous architecture and cordial people. Bhutan is magical and why wouldn’t one want to experience one of the last Shangri-La places on earth – a remote and idyllic hideaway … except, you cannot climb The White Peak of the Three Spiritual Brothers – Gangkhar Punesum – Bhutan’s highest mountain or any mountain above 6000 meters. These are considered sacred sites of deities and spirits.

A few points of interest …

  • The Kingdom of Bhutan is nestled in the eastern Himalayas

  • It borders the Tibet Autonomous region of China and India

  • Paro Airport (PBH) is Bhutan’s only international airport – elevation of AMSL 2,235 m/7332 ft

  • Flying is restricted to daylight hours as there is only one VOR station for a visual approach

  • Only pilots with an extra training certification are allowed to fly into Paro

  • Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan

  • Bhutan’s population is about 740 000

  • Gross National Happiness is the guiding philosophy of the government of Bhutan

  • Chief of state: King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk

  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Lotay Tshering

  • Government type: Democratic Constitutional Monarchy

  • Gangkhar Punesum is at 24 840 feet (7570 m) its highest mountain

  • Dzongkha is the national language, it belongs to the Tibetan language family

  • Bhutan is the world’s only carbon negative country

  • Bhutan is known for its amazing architecture of monasteries and fortresses

  • Bhutan has never been colonised

  • Bhutan has no traffic lights

  • Vajrayana Buddhism is the country’s state religion

  • The national flag features Druk, The Thunder Dragon

  • The national sport is archery

  • Smoking is not allowed in public and it is illegal to sell tobacco

  • Bhutan generates electricity foremost from hydropower

  • Men were the traditional gho, a knee length robe, and women the kira, an ankle-length dress

  • The Takin is a goat antelope and the national animal of Bhutan

  • The elusive snow leopard lives in the high mountain areas of the Himalayas

  • The black-necked crane migrates from Tibet to the Phobjikha Valley in late October to mid February

  • The black-necked crane festival is annually celebrated on the 12th of November

  • During your travels you will hear a lot about the Divine Madman …