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Itineraries, Treks and Festivals

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Suggested Itineraries

Bhutan Yogi Travels is here to guide and support your journey into Bhutan.

You might prefer to travel in a group or with friends or rather keep your

own company, we are here to make it happen.

You have the choice from set itineraries to your own preferred destinations.

You can also choose to combine culturally focused tours with some trekking.

The minimum 3 star hotel included is for most travellers comfortable and

adequate. However, if you are yearning to treat yourself with some more

luxury along the way you have the option of 4 and 5 star hotels.

If on the other hand you are keen to see and experience for yourself

Bhutanese hospitality, why not spend a day or more at a farm-stay.

Whether nature and adventure is your calling or a more relaxed and comfortable

way of travelling Bhutan Yogi Travels is ready to inspire and fulfil your curiosity.

Below are some suggested itineraries.

If you have any questions, please ask us anything!

A Glimpse of Western Bhutan

Day 1 Arrival at Paro International Airport

Day 2 Paro to Thimphu

Day 3 Thimphu to Punakha

Day 4 Punakha to Paro

Day 5 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 6 Departure

Western Bhutan

Highlights with

Phobjikha Valley

Day 1 Arrival at Paro International Airport

Day 2 Paro to Thimphu

Day 3 Hike to Doydeydra Retreat Center

Day 4 Thimphu to Punakha

Day 5 Punakha to Phobjikha Valley

Day 6 Phobjikha Valley to Paro

Day 7 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 8 Departure

Western Bhutan

and Haa Valley


Day 1 Arrival at Paro International Airport

Day 2 Paro to Thimphu

Day 3 Thimphu to Punakha

Day 4 Punakha to Thimphu

Day 5 Thimphu to Haa Valley

Day 6 Ha Valley to Paro

Day 7 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 8 Departure

Dragon Kingdom

Western Tour


Day 1 Arrival at Paro International Airport

Day 2 Paro to Haa

Day 3 Haa to Thimphu

Day 4 Thimphu

Day 5 Day excursion to Dodeydra Retreat Center

Day 6 Thimphu to Punakha

Day 7 Punakha to Phobjikha Valley

Day 8 Phobjikha Valley to Paro

Day 9 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 10 Departure

Central Bhutan


Day 1 Arrival at Paro International Airport

Day 2 Paro to Haa

Day 3 Haa to Thimphu

Day 4 Thimphu

Day 5 Thimphu to Punakha

Day 6 Punakha to Phobjikha Valley

Day 7 Phobjikha Valley to Bhumtang via Trongsa

Day 8 Tang Valley day excursion

Day 9 Bhumtang Valley

Day 10 Fly back to Paro

Day 11 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 12 Departure


Day 10 Drive back to Punakha Valley

Day 11 Punakha to Paro

Day 12 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 13 Departure

Bhutan in 17 days


Day 1 Arrival at Samdrup Jonghar/land border

Day 2 Samdrup Jonghar to Tashigang

Day 3 Tashigang day excursion

Day 4 Tashigang to Radhi Village

Day 5 Radhi Village to Mongar

Day 6 Mongar to Khoma Village

Day 7 Khoma Village to Yongkola via Takila

Day 8 Yongkola to Bumthang

Day 9 Day excursion to Tang Valley

Day 10 Bumthang Valley

Day 11 Bumthang Valley to Phobjikha Valley

Day 12 Phobjikha Valley to Punakha

Day 13 Punakha to Thimphu

Day 14 Thimphu

Day 15 Thimphu to Paro

Day 16 Hike to Tiger’s Nest

Day 17 Departure

Suggested Treks

Treks 1 - 4 days

  • Punahka Winter Trek, 3 days

  • Bumthang Cultural Trek, 3 days

  • Bumthang Owl Trek, 3 days

  • Gangtey Trek, 4 days

  • Samtengang Winter Trek, 4 days

Treks 6 - 7 days

  • Druk Path Trek, 6 days

  • Nabji Korphu Trek, 6 days

  • Merak Sakteng Trek, 7 days

Treks 8 - 10 days

  • Salt Trek Route, 8 days

  • Duer Hot Springs Trek, 9 days

  • Jomolhari Trek, 10 days

  • Wild East Rudung La Trek, 10 days

Treks 13 and 25 days

  • Jomolhari Laya Gasa Trek, 13 days

  • Snowman Trek 1, 25 days

  • Snowman Trek 2, 25 days


Bhutan is known for its most colourful Tshechus (Festivals) and here are just a few not to miss. You can find tentative dates here.

  • Paro Tshechu

  • Thimphu Tshechu

  • Jambay Lhakhang Drup

  • Mountain Echo

  • Wangduephodrang Tshechu

  • Haa Summer Festival

  • The Punakha Tschechu and Drubchen

  • The Black-Necked-Crane Festival

  • Matsutake Festival

  • Jomolhari Mountain Festival

  • Ura Yakchoe

  • Takin Festival

  • Sakteng Festival

  • Nomad Festival